
to Dr. Nathan Parker

About Nathan

Learn more about Dr. Nathan Parker.

My PhD Dissertation

Purchase my PhD dissertation, So All Israel Shall Be Saved.

My Newsletter

Read and follow my newsletter on Substack.

My Education and Professional Experience

  1. PhD in Systematic Theology from SWBTS
    Studied under Dr. Craig Blaising. Minor in Biblical Theology.
  2. Former IT CEO
    Formerly the President/CEO of Mallard Computer, Inc.
  3. Exegetical Training in the Biblical Languages
    Completed a M Div in Biblical Languages from Luther Rice College and Seminary.
  4. Published PhD Dissertation
    Published So All Israel Shall Be Saved, my PhD Dissertation.
  5. Professional Experience in Weather, Bible Software, and Cybersecurity Industries
    Currently works for AEMAccordance Bible Software, and Cyber Team US.

My Résumé and CV

In addition to my current employment, I am available to teach courses on Systematic or Biblical Theology for Bible colleges and seminaries, primarily in online learning environments.